
Welcome to the Video Health Library for Emory Johns Creek Hospital. Here, you will find a variety of video interviews with our staff physicians on a wide range of health related topics.

Check back often since we are always adding to the library with new interviews. If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, please email us at info@emoryjohnscreek.com


Is Bariatric Surgery a Cosmetic Procedure?

Dr. Chris Hart, board certified surgeon on staff at Emory Johns Creek and medical director of the Atlanta Bariatric Center talks about possible reasons for bariatric surgery.

1 comment:

Sophia Jason said...

Thanks for the information on bariatric surgery. The video interview is really nice and helped us to know lots of new facts. I came across a good website it also provides lots of information on bariatric surgery http://www.bariatricsurgery.tv/